Content Management Confusion

Thursday, September 29th, 2005 | 9:41 pm and filed in peff.

I’ve been looking into updating the website with a content management system (CMS) that would simplify the work on my end, but integrate fairly seamlessly with the old site design. This task has been a lot more confusing than anything else. I’ve been working in HTML for so many years, that I’ve developed a method of working which involves formatting, layout, and writing all at the same time. With these blog applications, it seems like you have to work in pieces adding the text, then images along predefined layouts. Of course, i know very little about CSS and PHP, so this task is going to be a lot more work than simply adding content to static pages.

So far Wordpress has been the fastest, but it is primarily a blogging application which will work great for part of the site. I’m just having a hard time figuring out how to devise a system for the downloads that feels like the V3 system which relies mainly on tables. I know it’s possible, but it will take awhile to learn all of this new stuff.

I like the flexibility of Textpattern, but it is slow by comparison to WP. There are other CMS systems available, but I do want something that is really efficient. I hear Adobe released Cold Fusion for Xserve. This might be a cool option should i decide to get a new server.

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