Power Tools for Reason: The second edition
Sunday, February 20th, 2005 | 4:09 pm and filed in Reason, Power Tools For Reason, Music Software.

It’s been a rough week trying to juggle things around. This year, my normal obligations have me quite busy, and it’s been pretty tough trying to switch modes from work to music projects to writing.
The main project occupying my time, has been the revised second edition of Power Tools for Reason. I keep thinking that it seems silly to add the software version number to the title. I might ask to see if this can be changed.
Last time around, i waited until the very end to write the opening chapters, and I cringe everytime I read it. The writing is choppy and lame, and I’m glad to have the opportunity to fix this. In fact, it was a major overhaul, which I’m fairly pleased with now